Rob Ford gives staff $5,000 taxpayer dollars each to stay on

Why is that? Because his just dessert is served slowly and with due process?

Was smoking crack one of his election promises?

Not if your democratic system is representative. ‘Democracy’ isn’t the problem.

Rob Ford has so little regard for the city of Toronto that he relocated the CN Tower. How are we going to find our ways home after a late night at the bar?

“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” [H.L. Mencken]


For anyone who was paying attention, it pretty much was.

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I just can’t help feeling like Toronto is involved in a huge piece of collective performance art, and any minute now Rob Ford will come out and identify himself as a trained classical actor, and the entire city will admit that they voted for a fantastic piece of trickery on the rest of the world, and everyone in Toronto will spend the evening drinking martinis and congratulating themselves.

Although I do think actor Rob Ford has a tendency to chew the scenery a bit, and perhaps could use more nuance to make the whole thing more believable.

I must say, living in the U.S., I also suspect the NRA of this every time Wayne LaPierre says anything in public.

$5000 raises!

Doesn’t that mean an extra $5000 per month for every staff member? Potentially hundreds of thousands of more dollars?

I guess the meaning of “raise” is probably ambiguous. If someone says “I got a $2 raise” I’ll assume they mean per hour. If someone says “I got a $20,000 raise” I’ll assume they mean per year. It’s sloppy reporting not to be clear which one this is – $5000 per year is more likely, yes, but this is Rob Ford we’re talking about.

As a jaded Boston political wonk, I must tip my hat to Toronto for showing us how to conduct high-caliber political theatre. But unless I am mistaken, this is just a one-man-show. We’re used to full scale public sector bread and circus here …but beyond the shenanigans of Hizzoner Crack-Clown, Canadians still seem far more sensible.

Does this development signal a new age of Maple-Leaf absurdity…or will you Canadians just return to your boring, inoffensive ways when the…uh…dust…settles?

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Being from Toronto I can assure you this is all too real.

Then again, that’s exactly what I would say, isn’t it?


Facts based reporting:

  • Rob Ford’s diary for the three months of November 2012-Feb 2013 only held 7 official appointments
  • the same period had 88 periods blocked out as ‘private’ time
  • Ford blew a $50M grant application to the federal government

The guy isn’t doing the job effectively, when compared to any of his predecessors

Stay on topic and If you don’t want to read about Rob Ford here, scroll passed.

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