Robert Crumb interviewed about Donald Trump

No worries. : ) I’ve just become very interested in precision lately, and try to pursue accurate usage. Especially with hotpoint terms like “rigged”, and also now “fake news” - which I hope will stay at “badly sourced clickbait/agitprop” and won’t get watered down into “any news I don’t like”.

with hotpoint terms like “rigged”, and also now “fake news” - which I hope will stay at “badly sourced clickbait/agitprop” and won’t get watered down into “any news I don’t like”.

I think the fire on that bridge is out now, and there are just the stubs of the pilings poking out of the current, still smoking.


Gotta do what we can. : ) Every correct understanding can be a vote against something that our well-being needs to have voted against. : )

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