Robocop creator Ed Neumeier plans new sequel to original, ignoring the others and the reboot

Bring back the SUX 6000. Reclining leather seats, goes really fast, and gets really shitty gas mileage!


I thought the remake definitely depicted the body horror aspect of the story in a profound way in that scene with the mirror.

Also, I like to point out that Blomkamp’s “Chappie” is like Robocop in reverse: a robotic cop becoming human(-ish) vs. a human becoming a robot cop. Makes a fun double-feature.


Rumor has it Quentin Tarantino wants to start doing science fiction …


'Family" comedy?


Yeah, made me snort my tea. (05:30 over here, just having breakfast.)
The Hobbit strikes again.

I hope this happens, but I fear it will turn out as something like Blues Brothers 2000, if you know what I mean.

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But will it feature fried chicken?


Well, you know how it is - you put something specific in a search engine and find something totally unexpected:

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I’m not going to watch it unless I learn that this robocop is also going to shoot some guy in the dick. That’s almost the only thing I remember from the movie. That and the cool gatling gun robot.


as long as they throw in a Blaupunkt I am ok with that.

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Original or remake. Always the important question.


Hopefully he will get an editor to trim the film down to an acceptable running time once he’s finished with it.


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There’s so much to love about this! Is that Ray Liotta on the back?

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Yes, it’s wonderful. This is the kind of thing that will make me shake violently trying to suppress my laughter when I stumble upon it on my tablet at night and my wife is sleeping next to me. And yes, I think that’s Ray Liotty right next to Optical Prime.

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Every single part is wonderful. It gave me urge to look for more and I found my New Favourite Tumblr:

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Can anyone Verhoeven like Verhoeven though? I think Scalzi said it best…

“Paul Verhoeven is a director who can give you everything you want in a movie, as long as you want too much of it…But that’s what you get with this director. It’s not all or nothing – it’s just all, period, end of sentence.”


I can’t think of any directors off the top of my head but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any people out there that can’t bring that kind of sensibility and vision to a new movie.
However, i would still very much like for Verhoeven to have a go at it and just swing for the bleachers.


@beschizza Neumeier is essential, but so, I suspect, is Verhoeven.

Verhoeven is absolutely essential. I recently rewatched Robocop and was pleasantly shocked at how well it had aged.

ETA: And how brilliant the direction and cinematography was. The cinematographer was Jost Vacano. He shot a lot of Verhoeven films including Total Recall and Starship Troopers. He also shot Das Boot.


As far as I’m concerned that makes Jost Vacano absolutely essential too.

Also Basil Poledouris, but he’s dead. So rephrase the original score, with careful but occasionally daring new touches.


I do love me some Starship Troopers.