Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2022/01/22/robot-vacuum-cleaner-escapes-motel.html
He didn’t try to help any of his fellow appliances bust out with him?
I’d kinda hoped your illustration would feature a dotted line tracing the vacuum’s travels and encounters, like Billy from Family Circus.
Huh, this isn’t the exact cyberpunk future I expected but it does seem to be one.
It must have been quite the existential crisis for the little fellow; his purpose in life to sweep up dirt, only to discover that dirt is the whole of the world.
(This is reminding me of something, but I can’t place it.)
I took this as a sign that nobody likes that job, not even a robot. How long before we end up with “solutions” like the hologram in a ST: Voyager episode, who decided to eliminate the source of the dirt problem?
The family vacuum, Dr Professor, must be supervised at all times. They have a tendency to get stuck and eat things they’re not supposed to. But they’ve also made a run for the open door more than once. I love my vacuum very much, but they’re just not that bright.
the fact that the article uses the line about a reader fearing for the device’s safety out of doors because “nature abhors a vacuum” without crediting that singular genius, one of the sharpest wits of our time, is tragically unjust. Whoever you are, I salute you!
Nobody called Harrison Ford?
Better call Tom Selleck:
This is a work of great beauty.
Parkour! Parkour!
Domo arigato, Mister Roboto!
Some hotel patrons insist that as the vacuum exited the building it exclaimed “All your carpets are belong to us”.