Originally published at: Rollerskating will save your kids from drugs, and gangs, and unplanned pregnancies! | Boing Boing
I used to say, “Get your kid into paintball, and they can’t afford drugs.”
But a lot of other hobbies would be included in that.
You’re saying that if I don’t want my daughter getting pregnant, I should get her a brand new pair of roller skates?
Immediately comes to mind is CCGs like Yugioh, Pokemon and MtG.
For slightly older kids you can try to get them into Warhammer to really drain their discretionary funds.
yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying!
love this! thanks for sharing!
Gunpla is also a pretty nerdy hardcore hobby
And Lego is also up there
Or a brand new key, at the very least.
I was about to type that it’s got to be very difficult to get pregnant while rollerskating. Then I remembered Rule 34.
Whoa, Reno’s own Roller Kingdom makes Bb? this commercial has been a local favorite since it originally aired. Meanwhile, Roller Kingdom keeps on rollin’!
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