Rolls-Royce's futuristic self-driving luxury car

Me too but the answer I think is that the front end of the thing is parked with it 's nose toward the garage…assuming those are rearview mirrors on the door. It really wouldn’t matter to me cause I wouldn’t get in the ugly little mutt. Looks like trump’s ego took a shit and some fool painted it red

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It’s meant to be the car from Minority Report.

Hm. Yeah. Still. It’s a confusing car to me. >_<

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I dunno, not curvy enough for my taste.

Oh yes! Really nice. But I guess that’s where Chrysler got inspiration for the Atlantic.

The “face” on the front looks like it’s saying LA-DI-DAH…

what good is a Rolls if you don’t have a human slave driving it?

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You don’t have to worry about paying an employee. You don’t have to trust someone to keep your comings and goings private. And yet…

You still don’t have to deal with the hassles of driving,

It looks like one of those toys that’s supposed to be a hovercar or a landspeeder or something, but they added crappy little plastic wheels on the bottom so kids can roll it around.


More chrome means faster, right?


Which way is forward?

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Gad. I’d hate to be on the road at night and have that thing in the opposing lane with all it’s lights on. Talk about being blinded by headlights!

I think they copied:

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I will never understand the American fondness for putting tacky chrome pimpmobile wheels on otherwise good-looking cars.



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