Ron DeSantis is silenced on stage by not one, not two, but three microphones (video)

The Dead Milkmen have a song that describes him perfectly

He’s quiet on the inside
Something from his past
Come on the surface
But that’s never gonna last
Say one wrong word
Something nobody knew
What’s in his head
No one has a clue

He’s a little volcano
Watch him blow his mind
He walks the earth
Fires burning inside
Little volcano
Watch the lava flow
What makes him mad
I never know


Laughing out loud since I can’t just write LOL.


Florida toxic parent rights in schools is seeping deep into Virginia … what a joke - parents always had a say in education —- it is called school boards, PTA, elections …

Folks it is the next front in the culture wars and I don’t know even how to counter them … they are so slick.


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