Rosetta Stone is still the fastest way to learn a new language

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Maybe it’s something to do with my hardware, but I always found Rosetta Stone’s speech recognition terrrible. I had to sometimes deliberately mispronounce something to get the program to accept it as correct.

Otherwise, it has its uses.

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The fastest way to learn a new language is to fall in love with a native speaker.


Or go to prison with a native speaker…


Technically, not mutually exclusive.


Totally clicked here not for Rosetta Stone, but to see what people actually thought was best cheapest fastest way to learn a new language, other than Rosetta Stone.

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Boing boing is super greedy. Half the time they don’t even mark off sponsored content. I was embarrassed that I read bb the other day when my coworker goes “they used to be cool, but now they are nothing but ads”

I won’t even come here unless it’s on Firefox with NoScript running. Also turned off the GIFs. Currently using Incognito Adblocker and Kill Sticky. Naturally all cookies go away when Firefox gets closed, and third party cookies are verboten.

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