Rube Goldberg machine built entirely from HTML form elements

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I wonder if he could add some timing elements to slow things down? It runs too fast on my screen.

The link to “hacker news” is wrong – just a dupe of the link to

Recently featured (via here:


I looked at the code, briefly, and it looks like everything is timing-based. This is probably where the complaints on hacker news come from. Visually it looks like a chain reaction, but it’s really just a carefully timed set of independent actions.

It would be trivial to extend the timeout values, but if you didn’t offset them by the same amount you’d likely end up with something out of (apparent) sync.

Also, table layout…eww.

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Yeah, I didn’t look too carefully through the jQuery script, but it looks like each element is set to an individual timer and it is all hardcoding. I feel like it could have been made in a true chain, but its a nice idea regardless.

I suppose if you wanted to, you could create a page that randomly assigns the starting element and then puts the next element somewhere near it. That way you would get a unique contraption each time!


Procedurally generated Rube Goldberg machines, regardless of what they are made of, would be awesome.

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I live in one of those. If you move anything in the house, something will drop off and hit something else.


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