Sandy Hook dad to get $450,000 from conspiracy theorist

Also - they use all that effort and skill, for absolutely no effect. How do these conspiracy nuts square the fact that these false flag ops have resulted in no meaningful change on gun laws? Given they’re apparently so ineffective, why are they concerned? If someone was continually trying and failing to change something I cared about, I’d dismiss them as background noise fairly quickly. See: flat earthers.

I support having a university course on the history of conspiracy theories, as they are a phenomenon we need to understand and study… however, this professor seems in the business of peddling such conspiracies, and that’s NOT helpful.


I’ll be bleeped if I can see how that is comforting. They’re comforted by thinking that the mess exists because it’s being orchestrated by someone who is out to get them? I’d definitely prefer to believe it’s all just chaos.

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