Saudi Arabia invites LGBTQ visitors to vacation there

The romance is cut short.


The foreigner would likely go down with their lover - unless they are a particularly powerful of valuable person with connections that can cause problems for the regime.


For sure some people would love a fundamentalist theological form of government similar to the Saudis, just not a monarchy (though maybe that would be ok with some people if they could get Trump :confused: )

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"The Hostage Affairs office " It sad but that’s prob a place…

And OFC no gay person or persons in gernal should ever go there, it all ways amused me that so many from the uk go to dubi to get drunk in the sun!

Or even stupider go there to live, I once had work college move out there for better pay, and was shocked, as at this person’s wedding the DJ only played club tunes (her husband was a bouncer and the DJ was form the club) no wedding songs only hard core dance and trance, even her own family where sat in the other room with no dj, her friends where doing coke in the toilets and after the wedding reception they all got on bus to go back to the club to dance the night away.

I was like and your going to live in Dubi? Needless to say she lasted 2 years and went to some other sunny place after that, which was a bit more liberal…


I’m pretty sure a quick grep of the BBS would get any of our applications put in the circular file… :thinking:



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