Scarlett Johansson denied OpenAI the right to use her voice. They used it anyway

They aren’t too clear on the idea of “no means no”.


“when you’re a star they let you do it.”
-some fucking guy


Yeah but fuck turnover, turnover is for losers, @Kilkrazy suggested valuation and I am here for that. Equity. Equity wrested from the greedy blood dripping hands of the board.

Tech companies as they are now are incompatible with a future for humanity. They are an existential crisis.


Sort of reminds me when Moby licensed songs off his album “Play” to (almost) anybody that wanted them. I remember reading an interview at the time where he basically said, “If someone wants to use ‘Body Rock’ in their car commercial and I say no, they’ll just pay somebody to do a soundalike. If they’re going to do that, I might as well get paid for the original.”

He definitely shouldn’t have had to do that, but I suppose it’s “one weird trick” to avoid that kind of problem. Granted (and I’d say somewhat to his detriment), my only association with the songs on that album are with pickup trucks and sneakers and hundreds of other things they used that music to sell. Try to listen to “Body Rock” without imaginging a Ford F-150 triumphantly climbing a mountain.


Tech “visionaries” like Altman and Musq are remarkable for their ability to mesmerize people into giving them unlimited $$$. The spectacular absence of imagination to get a boner for a hot chick voice in a movie, require that literal exact same thing in your new pointless tech, as opposed to something built off the idea of it, and to never question, enhance or develop the idea beyond the initial childish fascination. Like Veruca and her golden egg. Elno and Zucky and Sammy have mortifyingly shallow and juvenile ideas which they pursue without filtering or development, and little snafus like unlicensed likenesses or light pollution laws are just annoying nagging from mom. Their super-power is delusion.


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