Scientific paper about being bitten by a weird snake

Originally published at:


Image of the snake…


There’s a long tradition of these. My favourite is “Notes on black mamba envenomation treatment using the pressure/immobilisation first aid technique”, in which the author writes of himself: “victim feeling 99% sure that he is going to die”. (Spoiler: he didn’t).


On a vaguely related note, I was going through my Uncle’s fishing tackle box and found a complete antivenin kit from 1970. My Uncle was a mammalogist working with bats in the late 60s/early 70s, down in the American southwest and northern Mexico. Presumably he used some sneaky university back channel to get the antivenin. Rattlesnakes in bat caves are a real threat, and he was pretty far out in the boonies. Funny that the antivenin enventually found its way to his fishing gear, and now it’s here in my office.

Consider that a dose of Crofab now has a Schrodinger pricetag (no one knows what it will be until they bill it), anecdotally reported in the tens of thousands of dollars.


Well, it isn’t really that bad. The point of the paper is that the snake injected venom when it bit. Previously this type of snake had not been known to produce venom.


His commitment is admirable.

Did he have the official ‘boob inspectors’ card?

Oh! …alogist not …ologist. My mistake!!

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Sometimes a scientist has to put their own body on the line for science.

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