Screw Defeatism; Get Up & Fight

I’m tired of people telling me I have to do something, as if it’s MY fucking fault. I’ve had my life destroyed by these people.

Before he won, I spent weeks pounding pavement in the medium town I lived in, Greensburg, PA, against him campaigning for Bernie. I talked personally to tons of people trying to stop him before he won

I spent the last 4 years in the lions den, conservative PA machine shops, and I was run out of one because of my politics. I spent every day watching the news, keeping track of how he was shafting everything and everyone but himself, trying to engage when possible to convince his followers of the evil and wrong he has done, to no avail.

I marched in the protests of police shootings a couple blocks from my front door when I lived In East Pittsburgh. I stood for vigils, watched grown adults cry in rage.

I have a simple legal case wrapping up that involved me paying for anger management after spitting on a trumpanzee’s vehicle, right after I was laid off from a job full of them that threatened my life daily by not wearing masks, and walking right up to me.

Hell, I even pay rent to a family of people who I had to explain that vaccines work to.

I’ve personally seen the country you want me to save. Up close. I’m one of the ones who tried.

The bastards I saw don’t care about right and wrong anymore. They don’t care about justice or peace, law or order no matter how many times they scream that phrase, or how many special flags they fly. They were caught on camera acquitting a man who incited murder and riot as POTUS, immediately afterward admitting he was guilty- but that they STILL would not disqualify him from office.

Impeachment doesnt matter to them. Death doesnt matter to them. They traffic in lies and conspiracy and truth does not matter to them. Reality DOES NOT MATTER TO THEM. They are caught on tape admitting they wouldn’t convict because he’s on their side.

I’ve made a career out of fixing things, and making things. That I cannot have in the US because these people will continue to make my life hell in a way that I can’t avoid here.

Some things you cannot fix. These people cannot be fixed. All they can do is die off in time, and leave their poisonous reality to their children, who will continue it.

If people can pervert reality to this degree, no matter what I do in the face of it, and there are people who still think voting doesnt matter that don’t do a damn thing, then nothing I do will change a thing. I cannot fix these people. I’ve tried for years, logic and reason is beyond them. All you can do is out procreate them.

With that vote, and the salt McConnell rubbed in it to admit that he knew better and didn’t care- they forever legitimized violent armed revolt in America by the head of the land, and murder in his name. No future action can undo that forever. The statement is there.

I can’t have a child in this country and look them in the eye and tell them there is true justice, that even the president isn’t above the law, because they’ve absolved him of outright murder. I can’t look any child in the face and tell them anything about what is good and evil in America in the face of that, or when they grow up.

I refuse to piss away the rest of my life fighting monsters who will never change or die with basic justice forever perverted and lost.

I will go to another country and start a life where life still has meaning, because I will not survive in rage here. I’ll be dead in 5 years of a heart attack. A place not full of heaving assholes.

So stop insisting this heroic idea of changing what I don’t like. I actually tried, countless times daily, to change my country. What the hell have the rest of you done for it to even feel justified in asking me that?