Seattle mayor to Trump: 'Go back to your bunker'

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That’s my mayor. Despite being assailed from all sides and tough situations, she’s a good, calm, and even-handed one. And since she’s one of the few to kick back at trump i admire her all the more.


Can I apply for honorary citizenship?


I hope the WH is stocked up on aloe gel.

Because that’s one serious burn.


She’s my mayor too, and I have to completely and utterly disagree. I am on the side of the protesters here, she should be resigning over police unnecessary use of force on her watch. Police rubber bullet and tear gas innocent bystanders including children >>> defund the police and put the mayor in federal prison for criminal neglect. She is a ‘big business’ mayor, and you sound like an amazon employee. Not to mention her “plan” to “plan to fix and/or replace” the west seattle bridge in the next 3 to 20 years, … what a dunce! Those poor souls on the island of west seattle should secede and reincorporate as a town, and stop paying taxes to seattle. This mayor is ineffectual, disjointed, and in the pocket of the slave drivers.


Maybe Trump needs to get a dog?


She’s not. She’s really not. Clapbacks on Twitter are not governing. The reason for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone and the surrender of the SPD E Precinct is a direct result of her inability/unwilingness to control her militarized police force. The effort to remove her is right behind the calls to defund the police. If she was that good, she could take up the call to defund a militarized force that actually harms her constituents. But I’m not betting on that.


She’s so great that her 30 day ban on Seattle police tear-gassing protesters lasted for almost 24 hours.


Rather than further amplifying the Orange Turd’s stupid tweets, I’d love to see some coverage on the main page about #CHAZ. I can see the readership here being interested in what is essentially a peaceful and spontaneous occupation of several city blocks of a major city.


Go back to your bunker, Mass Murderer Trump.


Didn’t WA guv Jay Inslee tweet back at Nostradumbass “Stoop tweeting”
I wish tweedle would wake up, read their ULA and ban ‘the presidnyet’ from their platform permanently.


“ugly anarchists”!?!?!?

I’ve never met an ugly anarchist. I’ve met a few crusty anarchists, but they weren’t ugly, not at all and not nearly so ugly as those close to POTUS. Classic projection.


She’s good? Fuck that. Fuck her. Tear Gas Jenny hit us on day two of a gas ban. On the one day we didn’t get CS, we got OC blast balls plus the regular flash bangs, mace, & good ol’ batons to the ribs.

She’s gotta go, and Carmen Best, too.


Not to defend Durkan, but I can’t think of a single US mayor who is control of their police departments. We are under occupation.

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Nope she is not, as many other commenters note here. Durkan was in the pocket of big business from before she took office. The city’s policies and enforcement in communities of color are horrifying. She is completely unperturbed with teargassing people exercising their freedom of speech one single day after she announced a ban on the use of teargas. In any other universe she would have an R after her name but this universe’s Seattleites will only elect facists that go by Dem.


On Saturday (or Sunday ?) Mosqueda said to expect the CC to try to oust her by Wednesday. And here we are.

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Mosqueda’s spelunking of the PD budget has been…illuminating.

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Which she only announced from what I’ve heard because SPD was running out of tear gas anyway.


need to build some gallows in the DMZ. After that it’s just a short walk, a quick drop and a sudden stop - and that’ll be that.

When everyone is done playing Gandhi and wants to channel some Che, call me.

West Seattle is a peninsula