Second Idaho hospital will no longer deliver babies

Shithole States

In essence, yes.


Exactly. Before anyone rage-@s me about the “Shithole States” comment, let me be clear; this is what happens when a) we fail to protect all citizens and non-citizens equally at the federal level and b) the people in power only ever represent a vanishingly small percentage of the population, even if a large portion of the population agrees with them and they will remove rights that conflict with their own supremacy if there aren’t iron-clad curbs in place. It’s been happening forever, but since the fight over Obamacare, the GQP leadership has shown that they are more than happy to sacrifice their own citizens for their venal and cruel aims. I predicted then that we would see a further bifurcation of states among ideological lines and this would eventually culminate in closed borders, trapping millions of innocent Americans and refugees behind cruel lines.

Sound familiar?

Edited to finish thought.