I’m seeing reference exclusively in nutjob-conservative media to Treaty 106-16 being somehow exculpatory for Trump. After my own cursory look at the treaty, it’s not obvious that it doesn’t apply to the situation, but it seems to me that it’s not in any way exculpatory, as while it may be totally fine to cooperate with Ukraine in the investigation of crimes, using such a pretext for what is obviously a fishing expedition against a political rival prior to an election is still illegal. A possible analogy: It may be legal to dig up a sidewalk in front of a bank on the pretext of repair, but it’s illegal to burrow into the bank vault under that cover. Can someone with more legal expertise than me weigh in? It’d be nice to have a solid take-down against this talking point…
9 characters
Yeah, that too.
I’m not a lawyer, but I will take a whack at it: While a president may have a broad interest in jointly investigating crimes with other countries, this particular president has only expressed interest in investigating one particular individual, who happens to be his political opponent. So his intent is brightly clear.
And also, neither the United States’ various investigative services nor Ukraine’s (nor China’s, I guess) have expressed interested in Biden’s activities. It’s just Trump floating the latest conspiracy theories to them to try and bootstrap an investigation. This treaty could conceivably be a viable defense if the President had ginned up some supportive context for his efforts, but he’s not that kind of guy and so I think it will not hold water with the courts.
Sounds about right to me.
Some 'splaining:
Also, if you are investigating a legit anti-corruption case you don’t send your personal attorney. Guiliani’s involvement is absolutely not kosher.
the courts won’t touch any of this
either he gets impeached and removed from office by the legislature or else nothing happens
I think you’re probably right, but it’s worth pointing out that Nixon faced real legal consequences after resigning. Ford had to pardon him to keep him from what seemed like likely criminal trial. Depending how all this plays out, there might not be anyone to pardon Trump.
'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished
if they can impeach Trump and Pence together, then the president weirdly saying that Nancy Pelosi “is no longer the Speaker of the House” can become cruelly ironic. She would be Acting President of the United States. Perhaps she could start handing out Executive Orders like cookies that would reverse Donald Trump’s l̶e̶g̶a̶c̶y̶ evil idiocy.
This scenario is a pipe dream, but a super sweet one! Even if enough republican senators cross over to remove Il Douche, i cannot imagine them simultaneously removing Pence. And, considering the time frame we are working with, just don’t see it.
. . .this race to the courthouse is shaping up nicely.
Kiefer Sutherland probably wants everybody to know that he’s ready, too. You know, just in case he’s needed.
“Hi, this is, uh, Pike…Mence…I’d like to blow a whistle? As long as that doesn’t mean something gay. Mother wouldn’t like that.”
I think the rational thing to hope for is that this process claws just enough votes from Trump that NC and Ohio go blue in 2020. And then, no pardons for anyone.
Except, I have this feeling the Dem will pardon him out of professional courtesy, one crook to another. Especially if it’s Biden.
The small amount of published details point to the new formal whistleblower being the same one the Times reported on.
But when the Lawyers representing whistleblower number one werw asked if they were also representing number 2 they refused to confirm that on specific but did say they represent multiple whistleblowers. So there are likely more people lining up.
He’s apparently also expressed interest in investigating Warren, Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton. So there’s a clear pattern of behavior. He’s only bringing up investigations against political rivals. Past and present. 2 potentially involved in the next election. That makes it even clearer, and undermines that particular spin even more so than it just being one.
That’s the other end of it. There’s a great big ole “why” hanging in the air in regards to pressing Foreign governments to investigate things when our own law enforcement and intelligence can do that just fine. If Trump has an “obligation” to address corruption why is he doing it through back channels and other countries?
The attempts at spin here are really weird.
I think its possible Pence resigns simultaneously. Its pretty obvious to me Pence is implicated or at least Trump is trying/will try to throw him under the bus. But Pence being generally smarter than the rest of the administration would resign in an attempt to protect himself.
Seems more likely he’d go first in that case, which gives an almost split congress control over who’s VP.
I want to see President Pence resign in disgrace as more facts come to light, all while he’s struggling, unsuccessfully, to get congress to approve his appointment of Ivanka as his VP.
No way does he pick a woman who isn’t his wife. And certainly not one with a job of any sort.
We’re getting the Democrats worship Moloch guy If Pence has enough influence to make his own pick.