Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/07/15/726241.html
Australia; not even once.
Tastes like chicken.
Guess he was hungry…
It seems another key fact to know here is that alligators and crocodiles put all their muscles into closing their jaws and are relatively weak at opening them, so if the animal wakes up inside the snake, they are unlikely to be able to bite their way out. Source: http://reptilis.net/herp-faq.html
On a related note, I would be curious to know how the python judges when an animal is sufficiently subdued to swallow it and how often they misjudge that and end up with animal kicking its way (or otherwise forcing its way) out post-swallow.
Calls themselves a “Wildlife Rescue” organization, just stands there as a snake murders wildlife.
You had one job!
It’s like those bros always skipping leg day.
By feeling the heartbeat (or lack of it) of their prey.
A familiar tale. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
Why did I have to eat lunch before clicking on this? WHY?
Did you unhinge your jaw and swallow you lunch whole?
It’s kind of hard to know who to root for in this happy little story.
i just want to know what the croc was eating at the time so we can properly name this newfangled tur-duck-en.
At least the python will be inactive for a good spell, giving it plenty of time for coding.
x= bytes(‘Crocodile’,‘ascii’ )
Its not their job to take sides.