Originally published at: See this astonishing image of Jesus getting struck by lightning | Boing Boing
A statue that has an internal metal structure and is the highest point on a mountain. I’m more shocked someone photographed a lightning strike, not by the fact it gets hit by lightning.
Oh yeah, magic sky god is sending a message. /s
It’s not like the Invisible Bearded Sky Man™ can just ground his kid for being naughty. He has to pull out some of his old tricks from the classical period.
I see what you did there.
Ground - Ha! If I could, I’d give you two hearts for that one.
Obviously this is God striking down, and making a statement against, graven images.
Way I heard it, J. owed Zeus some drachmas and the Z-man got tired of waiting. I forget what the bet was about though.
Wrong. The statue is called Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeemer in Portugese). Paul Landowski was the sculptor. Let’s get our facts straight.
Lightning basically photographs itself at night. All you need is a tripod and a camera that allows you to lock open the shutter. Set the camera to a low ISO and small f-stop, lock it open and wait for a strike. Taken from my apartment window about 15 years ago, this is almost a hit on Chicago’s Sears Tower. Exposure was f/11 and about 45 seconds, IIRC.
While Christ get subjected to Zeus’s thunderbolts with some regularity, Braga’s timing was impeccable.
At least this time there weren’t any reports of damage (report below is from 2014), but I’m surprised there aren’t more shoops of the statue with a shocked expression:
Does Cristo Redentor always glow like that because of the lighting or was it the lightning?
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