Sega AI was a rare 1986 edutainment machine

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The selling point seems to be “it’s not BASIC, it’s not assembly, it’s Prolog!””

Having programmed in BASIC and assembly that might be a hell of a selling point.
I’m picturing it being super awesome when you turn it on and it goes, “Sega”. Like the Genesis did for Sonic and other various titles.


SEGA PROLOG…. Bringing you into the world of artificial intelligence". […] A US prototype suggests that some form of LISP exists, but we weren’t able to get access to it yet.

Prolog was very popular in Japan in the 1980s for doing the traditional symbolic AI tasks that were more popularly done in the US with Lisp. Modern AI methods are almost entirely based on machine learning methods, particularly neural nets and Prolog is basically dead (Lisp holds on because it has uses beyond symbolic AI).


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