Senator Elizabeth Warren's impassioned remarks on the coming abortion ban

That’s a helpful response, thank you.

My worry has absolutely been that Republicans have no desire to accept a patchwork of legal and illegal abortion states as a final victory, and so are going to work tirelessly on the next round: a complete federal ban of abortion.

But you do seem to be correct that they would much rather this comes from the courts (which it may…), than to pass it themselves as law without filibuster. If they did do the latter, I think that would be the death of their party.


This decision will produce the sound bites Republicans will use in the news about abortion for the next decade, just as the leak is being quoted now.

I live in a wealthy Republican stronghold in Texas. I know lots of white Republican women, and I can easily divide them into three roughly equal groups: Trump fanatics, ultra-conservatives who voted for Trump solely to stack the court and overturn Roe v. Wade, and the less than fanatical conservatives who didn’t vote for Trump but won’t ever become Democrats.

This last group of women see themselves as financial conservatives, but moderate on social issues - even though they often aren’t: they just like to be seen throwing extra cash as a few pet social issues. They are waiting for a chance to rejoin the GOP, but are still haunted by Trump’s influence - and will likely convince themselves that voting Republican somehow weakens Trump’s hold on the party (which it won’t). These are the ones who will be bothered by anything EXCEPT soft language, and these are the ones the GOP DESPERATELY wants to win back.





Meh. Again, I’d be very surprised if any members of that group read the text of Supreme Court decisions. I also doubt that’s where Republican pols get their talking points.


I believe republican pols are sending suggestions to the GOP Justices right now, wording to be incorporated in Draft 2.


yup. and might as well do it now while we have a president who could still veto anything some future republican senate puts forward.

abortion rights are just the tip of the iceberg - and overturning roe is obviously terrible. there is a small window to act before there can be no action at all


Since the late 70s early 80s, exploiting rural communities and taking advantage of the statistical advantage of landmass over population in the modern world is the de facto strategy of GOP politics. Their State’s Rights policies are not based around smaller government so much as winning, and it’s statistically extremely effective. It’s also why they don’t carry a large tent and accept all extremists into the party and demand purity politics; their strategy requires a professional sports mentality and not a governing of a nation mentality.

As always, the biggest threat to a mediocre white man is the threat of making him do his job.


I feel the need to point out that the Dems are not getting rid of the filibuster because they cannot. This is not some cowardice on their part, every Repub (50) will vote against it, and 2 “Dems” will join them. 52-48 against. There is nothing they can do unless they flip a couple more red seats and make Manchin and Sinema redundant.



That’s some real memory loss you’ve got there. Moscow Mitch’s first move as Majority Leader was to eliminate the filibuster. He didn’t need precedent.

mitch mcconnell gop GIF


Probably that women are “crazy” when they demand shit like basic human rights, when really god created us to serve men, and he knows cause it says so in teh bible, so there… /s

Angry Ariana Grande GIF by NETFLIX


The cruelty is the point.


That guy can fuck right off. Mess cleaned up.



I Love You Reaction GIF by Warner Bros. Deutschland


Holy uncanny valley turtleman!


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