Senator Mark Warner's Stop STUPIDITY Act would protect federal employees' pay during shutdowns

Have you not been paying attention? He and his henchmen WANT to watch it burn. What you are smelling right this second is smoke followed by fire.


Bell the cat!

(Damn, now I’ve got Mack the Knife stuck in my head.)


That might be entirely the case. If so, it’s not what I think would solve the issue.

I have no faith in that and no real evidence to believe it’s true. This is dragging on now for way too long, and not a single person in the GOP is doing shit to stop it. I honestly believe they don’t care about the rest of us, and they would go so far as to completely shut down the government (in the manner you’re suggesting) to make their point or stick it to the other side. These are not really people who are impacted by this kind of thing, so why should they care at all about what impacts the rest of us.

Would it matter if they were already wealthy and connected enough to get cushy jobs if they can’t get re-elected… that’s what happens now a days. I don’t see that public to private sector pipeline among the elites stopping because the rest of us suffer.

I go back and forth between them wanting to watch it burn (so they can commodify the ashes somehow) and they just don’t give a shit that it burns, because they don’t think it will cause them any problems…


Suppose I should add that Putin wants to watch it burn as well.


Sadly, there are lots of people who want to watch the world burn, in part because they think they can be king of the ashes…


Sure, they want to watch our representational democracy burn. But they don’t want, for example, border security to be non-existent. The fact that any old brown person could just walk across the bridge at El Paso would be reason enough for them to avoid a truly complete shutdown. They need the power of the government to still be in place to protect their hoarded assets.

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They need fear to remain in the minds of their idiot base to stay in power long enough to pillage all they can from the citizens and resources of the country. Scared people vote.


The ‘fickle and poorly educated public officials’ have legions of very helpful lobbyists to help them make decisions, as well as legions of PR flacks who will spin every error into higher opinion poll ratings.

The neediest citizens continue to starve, and freeze or burn.

Or, more terrifyingly, they have been tempering him this whole time, it brought us to the point we are at, and the people who were trying are gradually all leaving. In 20 months Trump will be alone in an entirely empty white house with no company but a nuclear launch button.


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