Senator Rounds: Another Republican with an absurd argument against D.C. statehood

Agreed. This is not the big issue.

Not trying to get under your skin with this. I applaud your righteous indignation.

As does mine.

Before doing any further work on that thing, let’s all take a moment to consider the undeniable fact that, as design goes, it’s just terrible. Absolutely nothing to recommend it. A garish color scheme, no deeper symbolism or meaning (much less any art!), and the entire graphical conceit is two numbers encoded with neither subtlety nor grace. We can do better than this, people.


Yes, and they’ll change it again when another state joins.

This is the proposed 51st state flag.
There was a different one proposed for if Puerto Rico was the 51st state, but Douglass Commonwealth looks like it will get there first.

Also, the old flag is still a valid US flag, as are all the predecessors.

They did it for Alaska after 47 years, so I don’t think 60 years is that different.


The Founding Fathers never intended for Washington D.C. Texas to be a state.


Yes, but that was back during historical times, and I’m told history has ended. Now you aren’t even supposed to update astronomical charts if it changes what boomers learned in school. :neutral_face:


Logical MegaVirginia Destiny says the Universe will reverse-merge into a publicly traded company when the will is there. Look at that 1778 chonk. In danger of immigration waves from on by Mexissouri.

Uh oh…also I wanted the stars to be rotated 1/10 at random.

Geometric — JUDiTH+ROLFE - Bespoke Paper Art Tesselation v2 there looks pretty good. Can’t all be Betsy Ross, though.


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