Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue caught lying about Trump's “shithole countries” remark

True enough, but the suggestion is still a better endeavor towards resolving the issue than cursing out an entire website.

Not my circus, not my monkeys.


I, for one, am distracted by the awkwardness of the word “shithouse.” I’ve never heard it used as an adjective before. So for my own sanity, I have to believe “shithole” was used.

Otherwise it’s just a matter of arguing how many racists can dance on the head of a pin size bit of logic.


The only time I’ve heard it used as an adjective is in “crazier than a sh*thouse rat”, and agree the claimed use of it here would be awkward.


Think of this headline “Trump spends the weekend as the Outhouse”.

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Either that or describing someone really muscular as “built like a brick shithouse”, and I have no idea where that phrase came from, but it’s not uncommon. Still, not a phrase I would use to describe, say, Haiti.


I’ve heard ‘built like a brick shithouse’; but again, that’s not quite the same…




It’s … not exactly common here (that crown goes to the ever popular and ever useful fuck), but it’s definitely used and would be understood.

I guess my mom used to say “So-and-so is built like a brick shithouse,” but it’s more of a compliment. :slight_smile:

Gah!!! Ninja’ed!


All I can hear over the wawawah of political Charlie Brown parent speak today is “Brick House”.

You know, mighty, mighty!

My rose colored glasses of the day.


I always understood “Built like a brick shithouse,” to mean built far better than usual or reasonable. Possibly to the point of ostentatious display.


His net-fu is strong…

Lettin’ it all hang out.


Why the fuck is the US of A even discussing subtleties here?

What the fuck is wrong with people defending this? Trying to downplay it by saying the average American would talk like that at the bar? Trying to reframe it by pointing out that some countries are actually shitholes?


The only joy I received during the whole shithole meltdown was watching CNN’s attempts to censor and then not censor the words of the president (Don’t blame me for watching CNN, I was having lunch in a cheap restaurant). For a while there, it was Schrodinger’s Curse Word.

Because of this, I feel that Trump has already proposed the best possible nickname for Mar-a-lago. I look forward to watching the news networks’ ongoing decision-making process in how to best present the resort’s new nickname.


Maybe because a good third of ‘USians’ are in denial that their Faustian deal is backfiring on them epically before they’ve even really had a chance to reap the ‘benefits…’


The usage I’m familiar with is built extremely robustly, to the point where it’s likely to survive a direct hit by a tornado. Not necessarily attractive (and, actually probably not attractively), but built to last.

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You left out (5) the needless pissing away of diplomatic capital with about a billion people’s worth of nations.


Is this really real? I’m having a hard time comprehending that this is actually happening – people are lying and nobody cares. I guess this week is what it looks like before the fall of the empire? How do you ever come back from this. I want to lay blame equally equally, but although everybody is human and although it would be perfectly fine to ridicule Democratic theores if you disagee, it seems that the liberal education I had hinders me and is intellectually at odds with what the Republicans and so-called conservatives call logic and dignity. I would actually really like to call myself a conservative frankly, it just seems cool but maybe that was just propaganda lately , yes I just need to be a liberal Weenie,

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I have so many grievances to air with these shitholes.

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Outhouse is certainly a catchy name for it, but Mar-a-Diablo captures the essence best, IMO.