Seven rural counties in Oregon have voted in favor of seceding to Idaho

cross posting but, yeah – in terms of raw revenue they don’t generate much.

im sure they feel the fall of their incomes from timber, farming, and ranching over recent decades. but i suspect their loss of economic power has more to do with us trade policy and technological changes then it does with state environmental policies.

shifting their counties to idaho isn’t going to change their economic position. maybe their exploitation by big ag companies though.


that’s what they call themselves, don’t look at me.


That changed a few years ago for low-population eastern counties. Self-serve is allowed there after 6:00 PM, until 6:00 AM. Source:

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It’s the same refrain from rural Texans, who claim to “just want to be left alone”, but the rest of us know it just means “want to live in a place where nobody calls me out on stupidity, greed, and racism”.

n word GIF


Or until there is a natural disaster and Texas screams "BAIL US OUT!!!.

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No way. They’d never do that.

Ted Cruz assured me they would rather die than accept federal aide. And Ted Cruz is as honest as the day* is long.

* Where day is defined by the hours of sun light on Dec 22 in the Arctic Circle.


The descriptions of the people in Idaho in Reamde are probably more relevant.


I stopped at one a few months back at midday, sat there as the attendant looked at me like “what?”, he finally came over and said “you do it yourself here” WTF? Nowhere else is town has ever done this to me…not before 6p anyway.

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Won’t somebody please think about the map makers?

(Would be THE most excitement a cartographer could have.)


Carrying boxes of their homeland soil with them…?



I’ve always thought that Long Island and Manhattan should be their own state. Maybe Weschester co would want to go with them. I mean if RI can be it’s own state… why not? Staten Island simply belongs in NJ. Practically surrounded by it already.


Individuals are more than welcome to leave. I’m sure they can find plenty of places that will suit them, where women are second class citizens, LGBQT+ people are in fear of their lives, and religion is a means of defining laws. They are more than welcome to go there. They are not welcome to take a piece of MY country and make it such a country. They can fuck right off with that nonsense.


Stupid shit like insisting ranchers pay the government for grazing their herds on public lands, insisting they not poison rivers, limiting timber harvest to (very) minimal sustainable practices, etc.

You know, the usual whinging about not being allowed to shit all over the environment and their neighbors on a whim.


I was thinking the same thing but then I realised that they actually do think gun ownership is not a value thing but an objective constitutional issue.

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If the lawyer’s crypt fits…



Substitute “state” for “country” and that’s how I feel about this stupid Greater Idaho shit.

To others here who wonder, “what would it hurt?”; you’re asking yourself the wrong question. You should be asking “Who would it hurt?”

The answer is all the vulnerable people in those areas who these folks already hate and would be thrown under the bus. It’s young people who will lose a lot of educational funding (for instance, some of these counties get $150k per student per year state education funding, compared to a few thousand per student per yr in urban areas.) It’s the elderly who need care, and all the marginalized people in these rural counties who are supported by the state government in Salem who will be ignored by a state government in Boise.


And New Jersey also still has a rule restricting self-service fueling.

And it is curious to see the other political end of the spectrum from the Cascadia bioregion nation, for which so many folks have flags around Oregon. It seems so much more about expanding connection outward.

Cascadia flags are more about soccer than secession.


I would be in favor of all of North Dakota seceding and joining South Dakota.


This is the important point to make whenever they talk about succession of any kind. They’re upset that they can’t ignore, abandon, abuse, or exploit people. They’re being held in check.

It may be a burden to have to continue to interact with and negotiate with them, but the alternative is to abandon the people who they would otherwise abuse if they weren’t restrained.

The lower regulations and tax cuts they like to argue for means lower funding for vulnerable people. It means people are just left to die because they’re not considered valuable to the capitalists and their apologists.

It’s like hearing an abusive parent tell you to stay out of their family business when they’re beating the shit out of their kids.