Sex pheromone named after a character in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" changes mice brains

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Put the pheromone on cheese, call it a day.


I expect male mouse urine to be marketed as a cologne in the immediate future.


I’m getting serious crash blossom vibes from this article title. Was a sex pheromone given a name subsequent to a Jane Austen character changing a mouse’s brain? Or was a Jane Austen character the namesake for a pheromone that alters mouse brains?

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Robert Webb is the best Darcy.


OMG, is that what was going on in those adorable cutaways in “Babe”?


Eau de mus musculus: the cat’s out of the bag

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It’s language like that that brings in the press and the grant money. Why use a verb like “vocalize” or “squeak” when you can go with “sing”?

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I did a search on the term vomernasal, and found from Google that it should be vomeronasal, and that humans DO have the vomeronasal organ but it is doubtful that it plays any significant role in pheromone detection.

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Which Darcy was that named for?

I had the good fortune to see the 1999 version of Mansfield Park the other day.

Are we quite sure that Mr d’Arcy’s 10000 pounds a year is not the result of investments in Antigua?

In part because there are some rather song-like elements to the vocalizations.

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I wouldn’t rule out anything being completely vestigial and inactive in the body, especially in the brain.

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