Shahid Buttar: the civil rights cyberlawyer and community organizer who's challenging Pelosi from the left #ShahidVsPelosi

you know that, sometimes, it is a politician’s job to explain to people why they want to do things that will make people’s lives better. sometimes, a politician has to work to convince people. well, it used to be a thing Democrats did, anyway. Lyndon Johnson’s bag of fucks was pretty well empty when he shoved through the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sometimes you do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. sometimes you prepare the ground for the right things to be done. polls are useful as a gague of where you are in the process of building support, not an iron boundary for what can be considered possible.

i mean, 15 years ago, gay marriage had similar levels of support to things on your list of “OMG this will lose Dems all the elections if they talk about it” issues. it’s a good thing people who cared about equal protection of the laws didn’t take the same damn advice you’re offering up today, and give up on what ended up being a totally winnable fight for justice.