Share bookmark lists with a single URL

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Slightly related: I really like the browser plugin “OneTab.” If I’m getting off track and opening tabs and worrying if I’ll ever get back to them, I click OneTab and it closes them all and creates a link list with a time/date stamp above.

I’m also seeing a lot of people who are dependent on multiple connection/income streams using linktree to consolidate all of their social media footprints and stores.


Cool! Just bookmarked that page.

How meta!

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Hey there, cool article!

I’m the creator of Multy so thank you ^^

You mentionned Shreyas as the creator, who helped me designed the UI :wink:

But it’s really cool to see my website here! I created it during a week end and it blew up, I’m glad! If you want to learn more about multy or just follow me, my @Twitter is michael_webdev


Hey, Sludge. OneTab looks like a real lifesaver! Do you wanna give more feedback on it? (IOW provide tech support for the free plugin? :wink: )

I see on its support page that multiple recent users are having trouble with losing all their tabs (maybe even ones that aren’t in OneTab, not clear). Is this just clueless users?

I envision using its ability to make a web page and then I’d save the page’s HTML for posterity. But if it’s wiping all tabs, yikes!

Have you used it for a long time? Any experiences like this?

I love One Tab. I use it a lot when I’m writing to help keep track of my research and to keep my computer from melting down when I’m got a million tabs open.

I’ve been playing around with Tab Session Manager a lot lately because it does everything one tab does, but it also has autosave (which can be a lifesaver). And because it allows you to tag groups of links making it really easy to create a searchable database of research and links.

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I haven’t noticed lost tab history on mine but I suppose it’s kind of a “placebo” for lack of better word in my case. Out of sight, out of mind and I don’t return to a lot of them. So I still do real bookmarks.

An even better tool I recommend is Momentum Dash. It’s a focused home page for your browser that you can customize without cluttering. It asks you what your one mission is today. I’d say more but just recommend checking it out. They have a lot of integrations which help you declutter those - example, “Todo” I have integrated with my runaway ToDoIst app. They recently added Pomodoro timer. They will generate a philosophy or you can key in your own list and it will rotate. In the middle of the screen is a huge number and % indicating how much of your work day has passed. I especially used it to get away from busy bookmark lists using “Links” to whatever is important for focused work (like pay portals, intranet pages and docs I use most frequently… boingboing for example doesn’t make that list, no offense BB team). It’s great to be greeted with the question “What is your main focus for today?” with a blank line for you to fill out.

Thanks! I will check it out.

Thank you, everyone.

I’m mostly retired now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have dozens of links for origami and pop-up books!

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