Vivaldi, the missing BBS thread

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I really like the concepts of stacking related tabs and using the arrow keys rather than tabbing thru in a specific order, both great, intuitive ideas.

my firefox is so customized at this point,tho. I’m too invested to switch.


Tree Style Tab :: Add-ons for Firefox is the answer to having a billion tabs open at once…
Also combined with his Multiple Tab Handler

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I have to admit, I laughed when I saw “83 tabs.” It’s a quiet day when I’m down to that few – or Chrome had just crashed and I haven’t restored the tabs yet.

I use Tab Organizer and Session Buddy for Chrome, but Firefox has had tab organizer add-ons for ages now. Vivaldi will have to be damned good at other stuff to lure me away.

I added these yesterday. Pretty neat, I think I’ll keep 'em.


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Over time, I’ve tended to have more tabs open at once, but at most I’ll have maybe two dozen at once, spread over three browser windows, two of which are for work and one for personal purposes. I have a hard time imagining having as many as 83 tabs open.

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