I like Billy Idol’s Cyberpunk.
haha, I saw the headline and immediately thought “I like Creed”
I don’t hate Nickelback.
Music is almost always better without singing. Pop music relies upon songs because most listeners do not have the attention span to listen to music.
It’s a crime that Joss “Chuck De Nomolos” Ackland’s verbal stylings (many, admittedly, plagiarized from Steven Wright) were not included on the album version of the Pet Shop Boys’ cover of Always On My Mind.
Is it “unpopular” if it’s an opinion everyone will agree with even though it’s something no one else has ever thought?
I can’t believe I didn’t know until just now that Roland was a circular breather.
…which is why we listen to zeuhl (that, and to torture @japhroaig ) - the lyrics are all in a made-up language, so the listeners aren’t going to hang their understanding of the music on that crutch…
Justin Beaver has a nice voice.
I can’t stand Tori Amos, even though she seems like a wonderful person.
Get weary to the re-education pods, post haste! If we aren’t fast enough he may start to admire Kid Rock!
Small babies may be placed inside the special cocoons, which should be left if possible, in a shelter.
Hey, I’ve met Artis the spoonman. He is a hoopy frood. (And its a fun song on rockband)
It’s so hard for me to get my head around how this opinion is unpopular. I know most people like Hey Jude as a matter of fact, but I think I live my life firm in the delusion that everyone knows how bad Hey Jude is.
As for my own unpopular opinion: Classical music boring; the entire genre (to be clear, I mean what is popularly called “classical music” now, not what might be properly called “classical music” by those who know what they are talking about).
I haven’t heard a Kid Rock song in years (the last one I recall was Sweet Home Alabama Werewolves of London All Summer Long). Is he still doing things that people listen to?
The Beatles are probably the most overrated band in history. They had maybe ten good songs.
Same with the Stones.
Eddie Izzard makes everything better * .
- I may once again be confusing obscure with unpopular.
The Pixies mostly sucked.