Share your unpopular music opinions

Rush isn’t Prog Rock.

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Hendrix, however, could play it right, so it wasn’t all bad. I kind of have it in for Dylan, Joni Mitchell and Leonard Cohen - not one of 'em can hold a tune in a bucket, and it’s much preferable when others (Hendrix, Nazareth, Colosseum II, Jennifer Warnes, etc.) do their songs instead. Additionally, Cohen is a rich man’s Rod McKuen.

In a word, yes. Even now.

Whether this speaks poorly of the Francophones or the Anglophones remains to be seen. The French do tend to like a more fusion-based sound.


My only wish is that Black No. 1 & xtian babe were on OR. I couldn’t remove anything to make room for them tho…

I lucked out and got an instrumental version of Haunted in March of '96 almost a full five months ahead of the release of the album via the PC game Descent 2 (the best of the series - spent all of that spring break playing it w/ my brother on our speedy 28.8’s!)

…an army, really? :wink: Had no idea.

Edit: Bad draft copy/paste


I saw a fight break out at Denny’s once in the wee hours between two punks (and then a few of their friends) over whether The Cure were touchingly authentic or twee sissy bullshit.


I think Martin Shkreli did us all a favour by saving us from that Wu-Tang Clan album.


That’s the only Billy Idol album I have, and yeah, I mostly like it.



KMFDM > Your shit music.


I do not enjoy hearing sopranos sing. Neither in opera, nor in pop. I know that Mariah Carey has a tremendous range or whatever, but I find her voice annoying because it’s so high pitched. It’s not her, really, it’s all sopranos. This will forever be a disappointment to my father, who named me after a famous operatic soprano. On the up-side, the name itself is pretty.


Well now that is unforgivable.

I’ve used many variants on the phrase, “This is one of my favourite albums/movies/books, but please don’t take that to mean I think you should listen to/watch/read it.”

I assume that is the name of the most recent album, all of the songs on that album, and also is all of the lyrics that appear on that album.


Matti Esko, and Finnish trucker country music in general, is good.


Me too! WTF is wrong with everyone else? Yes and ELP also agitate me, I think the backmasking they use to reprogram their drones is thus screened out by my immune system.

Tom Waits is both boring and bad.
Eric Clapton is just boring, and sometimes trite.
KISS and the Grateful Dead are boring and bad, but also overrated and uninspired and their music is inconsistent (and decidedly un-metal) with their image (KISS) and name (GD).


then you’ll love this

(Dynamite Hack - Boyz In The Hood)


Well, it makes it easy to remember, doesn’t it?

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This is the greatest musical masterpiece that will ever be made.


They have one good song, and we all know what it is, and a large percentage of us heard it for the first time while watching Fight Club.

As for me:

Sturgeon’s Law: Most music sucks.

That being said, some pretty terrible music can be catchy and nice to listen to anyway. I’ll take a lot of stuff on the radio over the complex stylings of many an indie label about 80% of the time.

Music is about performing convincingly as much as it is about talent. I’ve seen many a technically unsophisticated crew pull off a song better than the original creators.

Many songs I’m not crazy about have their character significantly improved by changing the tempo.

Perhaps my most unpopular music opinion: People who complain that artists don’t make enough money on their music because of piracy need to consider the following possibilities: They suck at what they do, have a small fan-base, and/or are simply unlucky. Artists have always struggled with the issues surrounding capital and finance for reasons intrinsically related to how we manage wealth and worth. The solution is never going to be rent-seeking and encirclement because the system itself is hostile to creative work. In other words: create a better system or just deal with it, but stop expecting me to put up with DRM nonsense.


It also features prominently in the red-white-and-black cover art.

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Roxette. I freaking love Roxette. I have pretty much impeccable musical taste otherwise, but I like pretty much every Roxette song I’ve ever heard.


Lest we forget