Should the UN seek to protect Americans from their own government?

I happened to be in the US (GA to be exact) in October 2016 as part of a muli-national military exercise. There were a LOT of different uniforms floating about the place. Every now and then one of the natives would ask what were “y’all doing here?”

Naturally, we responded that the UN was concerned about America’s ability to hold free and fair elections, and therefore we were there as election monitors.

Watching the various head explosions was the best.

The. Best.


Look at how badly the US has misused its power in the postwar years, the rest of the world might well say, “It serves them right!”

Even though it would be immediately vetoed by the US, I can easily imagine such a proposal being used as the impetus for Trump fulfilling a long-held desire of the far-right; Pulling the US out of the UN and kicking the UN out of the country.


There are already international humanitarian/medical NGOs that are operating in the USA. With the broken health care system in the US, it seems appropriate. Here’s one now:


This ain’t no party,
This ain’t no disco,
This ain’t no fooling around . . .


This is pretty true of all right wing conspiracy theories- they tend to be self-fulfilling. You think the government is gonna roll in and take your guns so you stockpile guns and train up a militia and then the government is worried that you’re a nutty militia so they roll in and take your guns. Worried that the government is oppressing everyone and will imprison you? Write a manifesto and blow up a federal building in protest, and they roll in and imprison you. Worried that vaccines are a mind control conspiracy so you refuse to use them and make everyone sick? Then the government rolls in and forces your kids to be vaccinated to go to school because someone has to be the adult in the room. And so forth.

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I know you’re kidding, but for fun I want to take this statement a bit seriously. As a lifelong cross-border resident who has lived half my life in each country, I feel I can say this honestly wouldn’t solve anything. America’s political system is better set up with more robust checks and balances than Canada’s, so replacing the government structure (which is all an invasion would do) would be a lateral move at best. The issues are cultural- how Americans view civic duty, the history of slavery, the myth of the rugged individualist, misconceptions about the tension between liberty and government, etc. These are all deep problems that Canada could never hope to fix for you.

ETA: Canada’s healthcare system is provincial, not national, so you’d be on your own there anyway. The new province of Murica would certainly be encouraged to treat health as a right rather than a privilege, but I don’t know that the legal structure exists to enforce it. Others can correct me here if I’m mistaken.


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