You mean this comment?
I have been verbally abused, spat on, attacked ten metres away from a busy major road on a sunny summers day, had bricks thrown at my windows, death threats posted through my door, enough attempts to break into my house that I used to sleep with a large spanner under my pillow. this lasted for a year (OK, 363 days) before I escaped, I was advised to move away by the police who felt that they couldn’t stop my abusers before they did kill me. I still have PTSD and am a very light sleeper ten years later.
What more needs to happen to me, or the many other trans people who experience similar, before asking you to read a 1000 word document doesn’t make me too sensitive?
As for “Treat people the way you’d like to be treated”, that can be interperated in many negative ways. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are homo/transphobes who would justify their actions as what they would like to happen to them if they stopped being heterosexual and cisgender.