Sleuthing from public sources to figure out how the Hateful Eight leaker was caught

Digimarc Audio Barcode in my experience is superior. And its quite impressive as not being obtrusive and being quite robust. If there were decoders for uploads, online piracy could be reduced significantly. I believe that their technology is already being used in blu-ray and DVD distribution. To me, its the one that doesn’t interfere with any viewing experience and can provide all the protection

That’s what my projectionist buddy called them, back in the late 80’s, when I used to hang out in the booth with him

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Fascinating. That’s the first I’ve ever heard of the term being used by an actual projectionist, especially prior to Fight Club. No projectionist I have met called them that.

Maybe it was a regional thing, and the writer of Fight Club happened to be familiar with it?

Could be. This was in Nashville Tennessee.

I also remember a John Carpenter joint that mentioned the term. Don’t know if that was pre or post FC or if it matters.

Edit- looked it up 6 years after FC

While maintaining imperceptibility?

Sure. Consider the amount of noise in a picture of a cloud, and how many ways that could be drawn.

If it’s in a single channel, then that’s a lot or R, G, or B “mist” in those clouds. Even for alpha, I still don’t see how you can hide an imperceptible watermark from a diff attack.

I could be mistaken as I have no experience in this area. :slight_smile: Just trying to reason this through. Thank you for playing with ideas with me.

i feel like we have two questions here:

  1. is it possible to make a watermark that is unobtrusive and simultaneously hard enough to remove that pirated copies won’t happen… that’s tough and probably not.
  2. is it possible to put something in a video so the leak to be traced to a specific copy and thus figure out who leaked it? If your convcern is not preventing the pirating , but rather only finding out who leaked it, that’s much easier. hard to trace edits that vary by copy would be that answer to that.

Oh no I mean hiding it from somebody who has a single copy. But even if you had multiple copies, and each copy had distinct random content, it would still be possible to hide the watermark.

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By the way, the Gawker case was about the screenplay. Gawker never linked to the screener.

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