Slicing and dicing with an 8" santoku knife

I’m sure it’s made in Asia, like most knives of any brand these days - if you buy a Sabatier, it’s unlikely to be made in France.

However, the Granton edge (those shallow scoops out of the side to reduce blade resistance) and the curve of the edge and back say to me that this is an Asian knock-off of a European modification of the traditional Japanese design.

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The owner of the company appears to be a guy in Miami with a finger in many entrepreneurial pies.

I bought a Mercer vegetable cleaver at a restaurant store, and it’s been great - so has the Mercer 1000/6000 grit stone I picked up at the same time. Their products seem to be excellent value, probably because they are priced for working cooks, not at amateurs who want to feel they’re professionals.

Yes, Mercers are made to go through a commercial kitchen dishwasher, bang against steel work surfaces and generally get abused by people who don’t know any better. They are not my favorite knife, but they serve that niche and goddamn they are cheap.

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