Slow motion video of model rocket engine underwater doesn't end well

When we finally have space marines doing combat in zero g environments, we will need a weapon like the Gyrojet that reduces recoil. And we can have miniaturized guidance systems like Zorg’s ZF1 Replay. So much to look forward to!

But speaking of underwater rockets, have you heard of Russia’s VA-111 Shkval? It’s a supercavitating torpedo powered by a solid fuel rocket, capable of underwater speeds in excess of 200 knots (approx 230 mph).


Certainly. But it’s enough of a cliche now that I immediately recognize it in that role although it obviously doesn’t have any natural connection to any optical phenomenon. So I’m wondering if anyone knows where it came from or what kind of a sound it originally is.

It looked really pretty, that slo mo.

I think it ended exactly as intended and expected. He started with a cracked glass tank so the integrity of the structure was already compromised. Additionally a 10gal tank is not nearly enough volume to absorb the force of the combustion. Would you only ignore and burn that engine in a 10gal volume of air only?

I am beginning to dislike these amateur mythbusters who get their hands on high speed cameras.

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I think Rail guns are where its at.

No, but neat!

Aw, you’re no fun. Playing “What would happen?” is how you learn.


Yeah i’m pretty sure quite a bit of Youtube has been dedicated to such channels, even in its really early days, I remember watching Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This? (checked online and they started back in 2007, wow a decade ago), there’s Will It Blend (started in 2006), i’m sure there’s other examples out there where they test things… stuff like backyard scientist, hydraulic channel, demolition ranch, taofledermaus, etc.


Since you can buy motors without the ejection charge, I’d sure hope it was intentional.

The Michael Bay Effect.

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Why race actual cars when you could race radio control cars! :slight_smile:

Seriously though - big engine, big boom. Maybe though a followup video to find out if an A motor ejection charge will shatter an aquarium!

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When the video opened I had this feeling that it was going to be just some backyard shenanigans thing, I really was not expecting the well-cut slow motion shot or the beautiful choice in music. I never expected watching an exploding fishtank to make me feel all tingly.

Yep. When the engine ‘staged’ at 2:48, it pretty much became a depth charge.

Do I detect a hint of… high speed camera envy?


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Sounds to me something like a tuning fork being hit, but the sample has been reversed and possibly sped up.

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I, for one, wasn’t the slightest bit surprised that the “star” is missing a finger.

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Only a finger? I’m disappointed. Also:

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to be fair he lost his eye to a wily wizard not an explosives mishap.

Demoman doesn’t need two eyes anyway.

Edit: Wasn’t the soldier the roommate? I can’t recall…

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Who else would be dumb enough to take in Merasmus as a roommate?

Yeah, what is this guy doing playing with rocket motors when he obviously has basically zero understanding of them?