Slowed down version of Dolly Parton's "Jolene" makes for a surprisingly convincing (and mournful) gay hurtin' song

sure, it’s a manipulation of the recording.

but it’s also one of the prettiest bits of country and western hurtin’ that you’ll hear this week/month/year.

i truly love how the mellow (and deep) bass/drums/guitar backing track anchors and engages, and how the background vocals become that bit more mournful.

it’s also interesting to hear the male-sounding vocal flipping this song of female romantic disempowerment/empowerment into a different direction. i hear it as a gay man trying his damndest to not lose his bisexual lover to a woman.


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Deleted and the @pesco article vid is now dead.

Here’s another:

It’s fucking really, totally, super…

It’s fucking great!


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