"Smart" athletic clothing laden with bacteria (on purpose)

The science behind it is super cool, but I’m not seeing any practical advantage over a breathable mesh fabric that already has holes in it. You’re not likely to switch back and forth from “so hot you need holes in your shirt” to “so cold you’re suffering” in one ride, and if you did then you’d need a jacket, not just a lightweight shirt.

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Silk already opens / closes according to temperature and humidity (the threads expand / contract). The rubbish silk we get in the West isn’t the useful silk people where in, say, Malaysia.

Also, the odor is caused by the activity of bacteria. I just rub hand sanitiser (like, 99.999999% alcohol) into my armpits every 8 hours or so, which kills / controls to a minimum population the bacteria.

Sometimes though I am really smelly, and I use washing up liquid diluted somewhat to shift the grease and anything else clinging to my underarms. It sounds silly, but it does the damn job.

Also, babywipes are great. The ones for butt-wiping. They seem to kill bacteria too. Innovation moment: maternity ward, long labor, high temperatures,

Also, wool. Good quality wool seems to take a long timee to get smelly (especially if you stay clean).

Stay clean, control the bacteria population, and presto! Not smelly.


Well, shit. I gotta try that.

On the subject, that magic hippie crystal deodorant really does work. It’s just rock salt, you wet it a little and rub it on and it screws up the local environment enough to kill bacteria. However, mine seemed to develop resistance after a few years and it stopped doing much.

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Yep - the bacteria are just symbiotic, but you’ll and up with tougher mutations after a while. It’s a wonderful evolutionary study environment!

The hand sanitiser seems to keep it hostile to most bad stuff. Dish detergent, though it sounds so silly, is heavily salty, and what is it … anionic surfactants? … it basically nukes 'em all.

Also, basically I can’t stand the deal with sprays / sticks / other goop. Chemicals and mess.

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