That’s a beaut!
Maybe, still, it is pretty crappy when a mod says “please stop X” and the user … doesn’t stop.
I agree that a super lengthy suspension isn’t necessarily an awesome response in that scenario, though.
Right. On the other hand, Stand Your Ground. The (L)user is wrong for trespassing, but nothing justifies blowing away people on your lawn just because you can/they’re black. Tools. Cops need to learn not to instantly shoot every black person they see. Moderators have to work with the tools they have. Same with community members. And at this point in time, community members suggest that having a less-than-lethal tool in the moderator’s arsenal might make the moderators less likely to ban users for an entire decade (like poor @othermichael).
I liken this to a houseparty, with an unlimited number of rooms to go inhabit. If, as a guest, you really really want to argue with one of the flatmates, it might go poorly for your welcome.
Needs more Clippy
That tool already exists. It is called “don’t enter a decade in that field”.
Basically don’t taser someone to death, because that’s possible too, my friend.
Right. There is a responsibility on the part of moderators to not overdo things. I remember back in my day at one forum, moderators maintained a list of people who had been banned and often quoted the posts that resulted in said banning.
I still think a Chill Out! tool would be cool (prevents targeted user from posting in topic). It’s somewhere between a smack on the wrist and a smack upside the head to suspension’s knockout punch.
I like the idea of a kicklist for unruly users. Mods could just boot someone out of a thread, maybe it could send them a PM notification? That doesn’t sound hard to code. Get a few of those and get a free week off. Make it a habit and you can get lost… is how I would do it if anyone is asking.
It appears to be possible to code a userscript to ban a user for a short period of time after marking a post in a topic. One that automatically whacks them for more time for each additional post they make after being told to chill out. I’m not volunteering to do it, though! Setting up a dev environment and a test server to make a friggin’ userscript is not my idea of a fun time.
I’d probably tip you a case of beer or somesuch if you did, though…
I once had this boss. He drove one of those monstrous SUVs, the Excursion I think it was. He had company logos and the phone number on the side. One day he takes a call with his office door open, and we all overhear basically this “Oh, you’re calling to complain that the driver of a large white SUV was driving like an asshole in traffic today? Yes, this is the owner of the company, I know who that was, tell me about it, please. [pause, crickets across the office]. Wow, That’s quite a story, and here’s the end of it. That was me, go fuck yourself”.
apologies for the bold, but no amount of software is going to curb the wetware in matters such as these. Daring someone who can throw you out, to throw you out, might get you thrown out. If only it were avoidable.
That would be very Canadian of you. Hmm. Tell ya what, I’ll table the next two evenings for dev time and see wot can be done. No guarantees, but I might be able to get such a script running in that time period. Might be faster if I use a piratepad as a code notepad - might allow parallel development or something. Between that and making a bot to play an MMO for me, I think that’ll cover this week’s learning quota.
ps: never write bots in autohotkey, is bad idea.
The “like” appellation is assigned to a post, not a poster.
I love ya, dude!
Because I can! Because clicking love all the time on some high-quality posters and my favorite authors is a pain in the ass. I can always revoke, per-post if needed. But hey.
OK, fair point!
Oh, man. BOP. Such a great game.
I really like the idea of being able to block someone from posting in a thread if they piss you off (they should still be able to read it, though). This way a topic owner can still control the conversation but without the heavy handed approach of removing someone from the entire community.
As was already mentioned here we’re a fun bunch of folks and often times this can lead to completely harmless but also organic thread derails. It’s just the natural evolution of conversation and it keeps the BBS fun.
Well, I looked at the delete history and modus was truly going kinda apeshit with replies based on the deletion. It was not a subtle thing. You would think experienced users here know to expect a bit of deletion from time to time. So it goes, and all.
I would be more sympathetic if this wasn’t a joke account to start with.
How about @othermichael?