Solar energy mega-fraudster Jeff Carpoff sentenced to 30 years in federal prison

“The fat children get all the pies because fuck you.”

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It’s entirely stock footage. II think the armed men from CSIF might have been using airsoft guns, for instance.

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i was so distracted by all the terrible stock video and bad cuts and the nasally narration that i could only make it through 2:30. i guess i will never know if that driver caught a ride on another team.

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I have the distinct feeling that we are going to have a retirement crisis here in a little bit… we’re already in the beginnings of it, and it is going to start getting really, really bad here soon.

401(k) plans are a great idea… if you are trying to transfer as much wealth from the working class to the bankers as possible. If you are actually trying to provide retirement benefits to people, it’s a dumb idea. If professional funds managers can’t provide a good return most of the time, how the heck are people who don’t have any idea what they are doing supposed to?

401k’s should be supplemental to good pensions.


I love material things and would love to live in middling luxury but how many bedrooms can you sleep in and how many cars can you drive and how many yachts can you sail on?

At some point it looks like an addiction. Had he quit once he had enough to live reasonably luxuriously he’d never have been caught. Greed trips up most scammers sooner or later as they just don’t know when to stop

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If they were, I wouldn’t be complaining. But it sure seems like businesses are getting rid of pensions as fast as they can…

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Index funds. Outperform heavily managed funds over time with a tiny fraction of the fees. Transition to bonds funds closer to retirement.


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