Sorry, the Fujifilm X100VI is sold out

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My Fuji GW690III would like to take issue with that.


I bought a Fujifilm X-Pro I about 10 years ago but I’ve never used it enough to justify what I spent on it. It’s an extremely good camera, and the lenses are excellent, but, like all digital cameras, the menu options are too difficult to get my head around.

I compare my old Nikon FM, on which there are fewer controls to govern the entire operation of taking a picture than the number of controls on the X-Pro just to work through menu systems.

The shortages of Fuji cameras have been really annoying as a customer who just wanted a new camera. I was in the market for a new rangefinder style body for the last couple years but refused to pay scalper prices and failed to ever get my hands on one for a reasonable price. They are great cameras but the inventory issues have been too much. (The medium format digital ones are more east to get, but a bit extreme for a hobbyist)

I have since switched over to Sony for my interchangeable lens camera. But conveniently Fujis popularity let me sell even my old X20 (compact camera) for basically what I paid for it new :man_shrugging:

Forget the X100VI.
A MUCH better value is the X-30II.
Virtually same specs (and menu) as the benchmark X-T3 in a smaller size, at a fraction of the cost. Plus the HUGH benefit of interchangable lenses. You wouldn’t go golfing with only one club would you.