Source: carbon monoxide identified in deaths of California couple, cats

In California USA, my stove definitely doesn’t have that feature (which I am familiar with from my water heater), I am not sure about new stoves.

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It is. If you want to get a renovation permit and pass a building code inspection, an outside vent for any gas hookup is mandatory. I live in a nearly 140 year old building, and when the kitchen was renovated around 15 years ago (before my time), they had to put in the vent over the stove…by cutting a hole through the brick and sticking a vent pipe through it. I didn’t mention flashing or insulation, did I? Nope. The vent was the legally-required minimum.


Rental properties in the UK are required to have flame supervision in ovens at least:

“FSDs became compulsory on ovens around 1984” from

Private detached dwellings are not covered by the same rules, presumably because they are less likely to burn down the neighbours property.

But regardless of the rules, in the UK I think flame supervision has been standard on everything except the cheapest of hobs for many years.

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Ah, nice.

Contractors will also sometimes not do stupid stuff even if it isn’t required by local law :slight_smile:

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Thanks for posting this.


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