Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/01/25/south-korea-warns-trendy-tiktokers-please-stop-eating-toothpicks.html
They look like green packing packing peanuts when cooked.
I recall a House MD episode where a patient was having a recurring abdominal pain and bleeding due to a swallowed toothpick that was migrating around their abdomen.
I mean, some packing peanuts ARE made of starch.
The way they puff up reminds me of frying glass noodles:
I guess it makes sense, since both are made of starch.
yes they are. wouldn’t make good toothpicks (or fried snack food), however.
Yeah, those are the ones I mean. I know they’re “edible” but they also have glues and god knows what else in them. I didn’t know they were fried before ending up all over my living room.
Wonko the Sane was right. So, so right.
If anyone needs me, I’m popping inside the asylum for a bit to get some groceries.
While we’re at that, they should stop using TikTok, too.
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