How a 'Tornado Omelette' is cooked

Originally published at:


seems to be lacking the tornado factor I was expecting.






“But you see, in Asia, the majority of rice is either a short or medium grain variety often with starches that are particularly gummy or clumpy. As such, it sticks together and is quite easily picked up by chopsticks. In comparison, many Westerners eat long grain rice (often highly processed) with is much fluffier and the individual grains are more distinct and for the unpracticed hand, difficult to eat with chopsticks.”


… or UNDERcooked, as the case may be. but wow, i want to try this.




I reach for chopsticks often while cooking instead of a Western utensil, because they’re so versatile and useful. Meanwhile, I find salad especially falls off my fork all the time. At least chopsticks work well for eating the food of the cultures they’re used in.


Usually not a tornado as such, but:



A proper French omelette is about that same consistency/doneness on the inside. So. It fits.

Unless you are a “I like my eggs WRECKED” kind of person. In which case I’d say “carry on”.



Came here for this. The 2nd one reminded me of a classic Jacques Pepin omelet. On a mound of rice. Very pretty.
I wish I’d seen these when we had laying hens. Always had dozens of eggs looking for new things to try out.


The problem is, Westerners don’t know how to use chopsticks. Like, literally, at all. I’ve seen people try to use them as skewers, or one in each hand like salad tongs, or with the tips of the chopsticks close to the tips of their fingers, or not breaking them apart and using the chopsticks like a clothespin, or so many other bad examples. Even us westerners who have eventually figured out the best way to use chopsticks did not grow up with them. So, the question “how did two sticks win out” boils down to “I’ve learned about these things relatively late in life, haven’t had much practice with them, and whatever practice I’ve had was wrong, so I blame the tools and not the craftsman”


That first egg dish in particular ends up with a significant amount of egg that simply isn’t cooked at all at the end of the cooking process. That doesn’t work so well for American, salmonella-contaminated industrially-farmed eggs. Apparently Korea is more like Japan in that regard, where there aren’t safety issues with eating raw eggs because they simply don’t have a salmonella problem.

What the actual fuck? I guess if one has never even seen anyone use them before, that might make sense, but it’s inconceivable to me.


I don’t have the pan skills for this. A Tsunami Omelette is much easier to make, you just make a regular omelette and add some uncooked out-of-date bacon.


That’s insane. But on the topic of why chopsticks might be preferred, I’ve always thought for washability they are the IDEAL utensil. If I never had to pick stuck on food from between fork tines again, that would be fine with me.


IDK where you’re finding these people, but my white ass always used 'psticks for Chinese food as a kid, and I grew up thinking of them as a standard utensil option. There are some Western foods for which it’s odd not to use chopsticks if you have them (most obviously olives).

No doubt Asian people weeaboos would criticise the way I use chopsticks. But then, people use knives, forks and spoons in all sorts of weird ways, if you’re the kind of person who feels the need to even notice.

Not everyone has grown up eating with chopsticks, or has grown up eating with them the right way. I was once out for Chinese with a group of visiting Polish scientists who had no clue how to use chopsticks. They tried using them as salad tongs and skewers and tried various other two handed things until I explained how to use chopsticks. I was eating Chinese food with my parents and they were awestruck that I broke the wooden chopsticks apart, like they had no clue that was allowed. They thought the chopsticks were supposed to stay joined, like a clothespin. In a lot of ways, they’re stereotypically midwestern, but i thought they knew better than that. Anecdotes aren’t data, but I’ve seen so much weird chopstick stuff that it’s safe to assume people won’t know how to use them.

More often than not I see westerners hold the tips of their chopsticks close to their fingertips. It’s not correct, and it’s somewhat awkward, but it’s functional, and it’s probably how they assume chopsticks are used.


Places where they didn’t have Chinese food until relatively recently. When and where I was growing up, if you wanted Chinese food, you would have to drive to Chicago. There wasn’t any that was closer, and if there was, it wasn’t any good.

I am also speaking from personal experience, but whenever I eat at a Chinese restaurant, I always get a fork. I usually have to ask for chopsticks. When they bring me a fork, they usually (but not always) don’t bring the Chinese customers forks. It is their assumption that Americans (or maybe just pasty white midwesterners) like me don’t know how to use chopsticks, and from everything else I’ve seen, I’d say that’s a fair assumption.

People criticize the way I use forks and spoons all the time. They actually take time out of their meal to tell me that the utensil goes in my right hand and not my left, but I don’t care, it works fine for me.


I thought the prime example was:


Now I’m questioning whether I’m just a horrible metropolitan elite. I might be, at this point. But the places I grew up were all pretty backwards. I guess maybe we ate a lot of takeout because of domestic dysfunction.

Even after you slap their two eyes into one?