Spaaaaace (Part 1)

Never ascribe to malice what can be adequately explained by Microsoft Outlook…

“Melvin, why didn’t our birds dodge the Aeolus satellite?”

“What? Nobody reported any 1e-4 impendings to me! Oh, wait, here’s 30 emails from the ESA in the ‘ignore useless daily emails from production robots’ folder, I guess I set up the Outlook ruleset wrong.”

Valorous Vikram lunar lander – or Star Wreck: Enterprise? India’s Moon craft goes all silent running during descent

Oops: Rockets lighting their tails is a good thing – but not three-plus hours before lift-off

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First water world exoplanet spotted, and thankfully no sign of Kevin Costner, rejoice!


Astroboffins baffled as black hole at center of Milky Way suddenly a lot hungrier than before

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Highly advanced civilization learned from past highly advanced civilizations to camouflage or be destroyed by more bellicose contemporaneous highly advanced civilizations. Highly advanced civilization needs more resources, can see this thousands of centuries in advance. Conceals sophisticated sensor arrays in large rocks, sends them out to all likely main-sequence stars with large habitable zones and obvious rocky planets. Collects data. Shows up a while later to ‘make peace’ and say hi to the natives. Many highly advanced civilizations engage in this activity simultaneously.

Sends message to masters: "engage mass drivers. We’ve got a live one here! "

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Apparently, they missed each other.


Roscomos: We know all about how the hole in the Soyuz went down, but we’re not telling you

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So we’re going back to the Moon: NASA triggers countdown by firing up spacecraft production

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Astroboffins baffled after spotting solar system with great gas giant that shouldn’t exist