Spaaaaace (Part 1)

Swarms of laser-flown bots visiting a planet light years away – and more NASA-funded projects revealed


The White House has convened a last-minute meeting to discuss a private mission to the moon — set to launch in days — after the largest group of Native Americans in the United States asked the administration to delay the flight because it will be carrying cremated human remains destined for a lunar burial

human and dog cremains, plus an empty soda can apparently

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If you put your remains on the moon; they’re too far away for you to be reincarnated.

(Free link)


Peregrine lander: Private US Moon mission runs into trouble


No one owns the moon, so it shouldn’t matter that there are people who consider it sacred; but no one owns the moon, so no one should feel it’s at all right to dump anything there, including human remains. I’m with the Navajo on this in the end. Not for their reasons, though. Allowing this mission to happen – and it looks like it’s happening anyway – commercializes the physical space of the moon. We should feel uncomfortable with that.


i guess what i’d ask is: from where does your sense of uncomfortably come from if not from the feeling the moon is special in some way; or to use another word: sacred?

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That’s a fair ask. I think sacred is just too strong a word for how I feel about it. That suggests a higher purpose for the land or that it somehow deserves an elevated level of respect. I’m more disgusted by the behavior, which is an extension of what we already do to our land, or oceans, and even the space immediately surrounding the planet. The moon, or any other space, shouldn’t be the next place we commercialize or treat carelessly.


Currently there are 96 bags of human waste (including loaded diapers) scattered across the moon from the 6 Apollo missions, which could be considered more disrespectful than leaving human remains.

(Most of these astronauts were probably boy scouts, so didn’t they ever learn to bury that stuff? I think they all brought shovels.)

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Now that’s one shitty argument.

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i feel like there’s what’s required for exploration, and what is purely a thing to make rich people happy.

( and i wouldn’t be surprised if nasa asked for those … other kind of remains … to be left in a certain way. there’s potentially some good scientific value there. )

hmmm… actually, for some of my family, this sounds ideal.


When I was younger I was totally for flying to other planets, making colonies and terraforming them. Now I feel that’s all a bit tasteless, I think the culture had a better idea with their orbitals and gsv’s. Visit the moon sure, but leave it’s barren beauty alone.

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They don’t want to hear about it.


Losing propellant.


Jada Pinkett Smith Periodt GIF by Red Table Talk

It really is like no one has read any sci-fi and all the millions of warnings about letting corporations take the lead in space exploration…

Have you seen what corporations have done to THIS planet? They will claim control over spaces like the moon, and they will destroy it to get what they want. :woman_shrugging: I don’t think that you have to believe something is “sacred” to not want that to happen…

And besides, what’s wrong with treating stuff as if it’s sacred? I think that’s MUCH better than treating everything like it’s only worth is monetary, yeah?

Yeah, maybe we could clean up our shit rather than adding to it? :woman_shrugging:


Something, something, Torture Nexus…


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