SpaceX has a draconian stock options policy

That makes sense… both with regards to what he was claiming at one time or another, and where he eventually ended up…

Yeah, far too many people believe that anarchism just means “no rules” rather than is a pretty coherent set of belief systems based on theory. I doubt Musk read any actual anarchist thought, but just heard anarchy in the UK and was like “that’s for MEEEE!!!”


His grandfather was also a nasty piece of work, and Elon seems to have similar beliefs (perhaps he always shared them).


“No Gods, No Kings, that leaves so much room at the top for me!” :upside_down_face: (But I can believe he was also getting mixed up with the anarcho-capitalism doing its best to steal the name.)


Oh yeah… I remember reading something about him a few years ago… apples and trees and all that jazz… :rage:


Yes. He just wasn’t quite as loud about it.


… of the planet Mars… hence his head-first rush to get there.

In all seriousness, given the numerous Musk portrayals floating around depicting various scenarios, I’m surprised I haven’t yet seen a Frank Frazetta-esque painting of a ridiculously over-muscled Musk standing on Olympus Mons, a forest of SpaceX Starships in the background, he surrounded by all his exes and the eleven (is it still eleven?) children, he aiming to be the only man allowed to populate Mars.


:musical_note: Rouge my knees and roll my stockings down
And all that jazz
Apples and trees dropping them all around
And all that jazz

Well, at least it explains why you want some aspirin handy.


… FWIW the alien overlords in “They Live” were actually called The Fascinators


And more than that, once his company merged with PayPal, he tried to shut down PayPal (the product), the only thing at the combined company that was actually working. (He was focused on his own personal vision of what he thought the company should do instead, that was dumb and unworkable.) As a result he got pushed out with a highly lucrative golden parachute. Even in total failure he came out ahead - and got credit for things he not only didn’t do, but actively tried to destroy, credited as a visionary creator when in actuality his visions were too poorly thought out to even exist…


Correction: “… and unquestionable disregard for safety.”


I think you meant ‘dis-regard’; Rumor has it that the reasons for no safety tape markings on the floors to alert people to stay the hell out of that space lest they get injured by something is because Muskie didn’t like the color.

… :: passes a Frosty Beverage over to @catsidhe :: THAT IS ALSO WHY I WILL NEVER BUY A TESLA. [profanity and rage filled rant about touchscreens in cars redacted]

THIS- Having one toxic boss was quite enough for me, thankyouverymuch. If somehow we get stuck with another? I’ll be nice enough to give the CIO a warning, but I will start looking for an exit and a different job right quickly- I’ll not suffer another ‘El Turkey’. (I’m banned from using the actual words I want to describe him in 37 states, the entire EU, and the Vatican- something about rousing the Old Ones from the long slumber in the deep dark places in the ocean.)


Stock options in a private company are a meaningless number on paper until the company goes public (if it ever does).

Will SpaceX ever go public? I’m skeptical of that given Musk’s disdain for the SEC and all those pesky regulations and transparency requirements he’d rather not have to deal with.


He has a court order to attest that he is the ‘founder’ of Tesla. /s


Honda, Mitsubishi, Chrysler, and and and, it’s quite a long list.
Ford once was commissioned by NASA to come up with a concept for a crewed Mars mission.
Car manufacturers having sidelines in rockets, spacecraft or weapon systems isn’t that unusual.


There are a lot of you claiming you always saw Musk for the jackass he is.

I call bullshit. Pre-“Pedo Guy” comment days, Musk’s PR was pretty good and he kept his bullshit to himself. He was doing something that was good (pushing electric cars when no one else would) and was paying good lip service to environmental causes.

Most of us thought THAT was Musk. Even after the Pedo Guy comments, it took me a little while to realize that he had let his true colors fly rather than a one time aberrant comment. Now, yes, I realize he is a massive turd-bucket and always has been, but I was fooled (and most of you were, too) for a long time.


Oh, sure. Nobody here who actually works in software engineering, automotive engineering, electrical engineering, aerospace engineering, civil engineering, banking/accounting, jurisprudence, medicine, HR/management, PR/media (what’d I miss there?) has ever been able to peek through the PR smokescreen and catch a whiff of the hot air that’s behind it.


Amazing, you can retroactively read everyone’s mind… pretty cool party trick! /s

when people say “he was always this guy” we don’t necessarily mean we knew who he was all along… we mean that this is who he always was, whatever the public perceptions of him were…

But also, I think plenty of people suspected he was that guy all along.


No, there are a lot of us here answering the question “was he always that guy?” with “yes, apparently he just put more effort into hiding it with PR in the past”. Most people here are dating their realisation that the image was BS to the “pedo guy” incident.

[A refreshing carbonated beverage to @Mindysan33]


coca cola coke GIF
