Stanford study shows guns promote more crime, not less

How do you know his skin color? BTW, he didn’t own any guns either.

Wow. A “study” done by a bunch of bleeding heart left-wing ultraliberals who live in a state that is dedicated to overturning the 2nd Amendment came up with the conclusion that guns are bad. Gee, what a surprise. Guns cause crime - yes sir, once again forks are guilty of causing fat people.

Wow, a trollacious reply from someone who registered 11 minutes ago. Gee, what a surprise.


Because in the backwater Roman Province of Judea, circa 33 AD, the only White people around were the Romans and Greeks, and even they’re pretty darn swarthy.

Jesus was a peasant native of Galilee who spoke Aramaic. We don’t know his exact skin color, but we can be quite sure he wasn’t Caucasian.

Spoiler warning - he also didn’t write a single word of the Bible, as he was illiterate.


Maybe it’s not meant to sway anyone. It’s a scholarly paper, not a manifesto.


Or a cannon full of paint.

Its not prejudicial stereotyping unless, you know, them inbred southern yokels are actually doing it right? Right?

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Well sure, it’s prejudicial if you move the goalposts to “inbred southern yokel”. The term we were discussing, however, was “redneck evangelists”, two words which the people in question use to describe themselves.

That wasn’t a line from the article, it was the author talking to a journalist about the value of his work.

That’s exactly when journal authors are trying to convince people that the results they just found are correct.

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Actually, the original comment just said that gun owners were “red blooded” and preferred Christian sources.

The only use of the terms “redneck”, “inbred” or “yokel” have been people claiming that this comment was offensive.

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Oh, sure, get onto your ivory horse and lecture us about the "facts’, whydoncha!

I’ve done a study of these same comments, and the results do NOT match yours.*



* The results presented in my study do not replicate the @SamSam results because different comments and models were used in the attempted replication effort.


Eddie Izzard told me Jesus was a white man from Oxford, and when has he ever stretched the truth.


Funnily enough, Eddie Izzard is from the Yemen, and he’s quite pasty.

Maybe Joseph was an itinerant oil worker?

Different Jesus. :stuck_out_tongue:

heh, izzard flashbacks: sayeth Sid Arthur: “Apples and pears, and middle way”. :smile:

I didn’t realize that, you have a good point.

Not that it matters one damn bit but Persians were probably Caucasian just like they are today. Arabs are Semitic and Caucasian so I see no reason that Jesus would be non-Caucasian. Pretty much everyone in the region is Caucasian as far as I know. What else would they be? As a Hebrew/Deity hybrid Jesus was certainly not of sub-Saharan African ancestry, unless you believe that God is black. Brown is not a race, Caucasians just turn brown in the sun.

As far as the topic goes, this study may have inverted the cause and effect, it is quite plausible crime problems lead to the enactment of concealed carry laws.

I agree, we should not forget the 20,000 deaths a year due to suicide by firearm, nearly twice the rate of homicide by firearm.


According to Wikipedia, Eddie Izzard was born in Yemen to English parents, not Middle Eastern parents.

I can’t believe we’re arguing about whether Jesus was white. Whatever color he was, part of the story is that he didn’t have whatever the equivalent of white privilege was back then.

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i was quoting directly from a comedy bit that perl -e ‘$he eq "Eddie Izzard’"’
does in some of eddies shows. i can post a youtube link if you’d like. it is very funny.