Star Wars-themed burlesque show, "The Empire Strips Back," still going strong

Originally published at: Star Wars-themed burlesque show, "The Empire Strips Back," still going strong | Boing Boing


I saw it in New York on … May the fourth (2019). Then we went clubbing afterwards. Then had a nice breakfast with a rain filled sunrise.

The show was fun, lots of familiar pop songs with scantly clad Star Wars pantomime. Unfortunately, no Boba Fett fire due to low ceilings in the theater. The Tauntaun costume was amazing - moreso impressive that someone was in holding up a rider. A gender bend Luke washing a land speeder, R2D2 throwing cash at strippers, The Emperor riding a Death Star wrecking ball :musical_note: .

I have a poster hanging in my office that, about one year into the pandemic, I realized was in full view of the video calls. To prevent any HR complaints, it has been relocated. :slight_smile:

If in your area, go. It’s fun and really, not all that NSFW.


I’m so happy to hear this. I’m going Saturday!


Ah, 'Straya. This is so delightfully bonkers.

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