Steve Bannon digs the occult

They’re not talking about the dictionary definition of ‘occult’ or quantum waves or black holes or other things you can’t directly observe. This is specifically about the current leaders of the country being very into the idea of wanting to use prayer and rituals to attract wealth and power.


Maybe it’s a “tax” thing.



Precisely. What’s keeping that bushman of the Kalahari from getting into Yale!?

Bannon is also a fan of Fascist ideologue, Julius Evola who was, in turn a fan of Blavatsky. It is all racist occultism, but it is an especially violent racist occultism. Check it out:

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I can see that. Wealth and power themselves have a lot more to do with ritual than they do, say, actual resource management or special abilities. I think that mass-media deeply reenforce norms in the average person to make it appear less superstitious than it really is. Even the very notion of ownership proposes some sort of metaphysical relationship between a person and an inanimate object, yet hardly anyone questions it. Like all rituals, they are really social/psychological in nature, but getting rid of obvious woo only changes the rationalization for ritual rather than its function.


Godwin’d in 1



Wait, I thought it was Hillary who was into black magic and baby meat pizza.


I’d say it has to do with acquiring power. If you can “tap into” some secret force in the universe that gives you more power, then that is going to lure power seekers (who do come in both flavors, the “conservative side” happens to be currently dominant) like fresh dung attracts flies.

I’d go so far as to say that people who keep seeking power are inherently insecure, which makes them more vulnerable to "Psst, hey buddy, want to learn to dominate others?’ type of approaches.

Our current “Buffoon-in-chief” is the poster child for this I’d say.

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Already covered by a few others, but I wanted to add my not-surprised voice: Power of positive thinking is readily adopted by successful people so they can tell themselves they earned their success. They don’t want to think they are just lucky, or that they ought to share their good fortune.


Not to mention the Czar and mostly the Czarina belief in Rasputin. Russias turn to Communism can partly be blamed on their reliance of poor advice from Rasputin and his eventual murder and WW1 suffrage.


That’s great! I happen to have this ark he should open up and look inside!


SNL could have a LOT of fun with this. Make him as depraved and loopy as they can, and show Trump obediently smearing himself with sheep blood and burning a pentagram in the Oval Office floor.

Since Trump watches the show and is very sensitive to appearance, we could then imagine POTUS45 chewing out Bannon for summoning dark forces behind his back.

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A cult built around survivorship bias.

What happens if two masters of The Secret want the same car?


Yes! The Ahnenerbe, IIRC. Fascinating stuff.

“So, Mr. Reynholm, how did the cosmos grant you a helicopter?”
“Well, I visualised the thing I wanted. In my case, it was a helicopter. I drew a picture of the helicopter on a piece of paper, then I stood with my back to space, threw the paper over my shoulder and wished really hard… Couple of days later, I bought myself a helicopter. Explain that one, if you can!”

And that if you are not rewarded financially, you must be baaaaaaaad

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That’s the loophole to the whole thing where Jesus talked about caring for and helping poor people. It’s like a get-out-of-humanity-free card.


Prosperity, yes. Gospel, not so much.


That picture. Is that real?

I mean, the text is a snark, but the underlying picture . . . was that made without ironic intent?

Because Oh, MAN please God-Faring people whereever, don’t let your daughters get cuddled by that creep.

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It’s a Photoshopped version of this painting by Harold Anderson, thankfully.

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